Organic Toasted Coconut Flakes

A crispy delight that’s well suited to liven up your salad, muesli, and snack assortments. Bring out the healthy factor on your frequent snacks be it at the gym or prolonged work hours with Ranre’s toasted organic coconut flakes.


Organic Coconut Flakes – Toasted 

What are Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes?

Only fresh, matured coconuts are used to produce Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes. As the first step, coconuts are cleaned and then dried to remove excess water to preserve the natural crispiness and taste of the actual coconuts. Then coconut meat is cut into thin layers known as flakes. To bring tastier products, Ranre Foods sources all of its coconuts from the Coconut Triangle in Sri Lanka (situated between the towns of Kurunegala, Puttlam and Gampaha). It produces coconuts that are known to contain more nutrients due to the ideal soil, water and climate conditions. Finally, the flakes are slightly toasted to bring out that unmistaken wonderful flavour.

The Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes are ideal as a flavourful snack any time of the day. They will add nutrition as well as flavour to your film or late working nights, prolonged working hours, hikes in nature, long outings and even long traffic jams, among many other instances. Why are they so versatile? Simple, because they are so easy to use. They do not need any special storage conditions before being opened. Just make sure the place is dry and preferably out of direct sunlight. They take little space to store, so you can always drop a few packs into your briefcase, office bag, suitcase, backpack or car glove compartment. And what’s more, you can enjoy them just as they are.

But they have more uses than just being a nutritious and tasty snack. Mix them with your salad greens, muesli, trail mix, snack assortments, and nut mixtures. They will pleasantly surprise you with their crunchiness and texture as well. Sprinkle them on your oatmeal, porridges and other cereals to get that amazing tropical twist.

Toasted flakes can also be used in your baked desserts. Use them to add nuttiness and sweetness to your favourite Sunday treat. Or use them to enhance your fruit salads, to garnish your ice creams, yoghurts and even jelly.

Need something more substantial for a quick meal? Add them to your sandwiches regardless of whether it is just a peanut butter, exotic burger or healthy green sandwich made of whole grain bread or bun. Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes complement sweet and savoury flavours, giving each its enhancement in taste and texture.

If you are up to a gourmet challenge, add them to some of your soups and sauces, curries, and stews. Let your imagination and taste be the only limits to the way you can enjoy Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes.

Is there any nutritional value in the Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes?

If you are leading an active or very busy lifestyle, are a student or are in the training, you are most probably missing some much-needed nutrients in your diet. Or, perhaps, you can use an extra bit of some of those nutrients you just cannot find enough of to make up your daily requirements. The good news is that coconut meat is a good source of some vital nutrients that are important for your well-being. The serving size of 40 grams will provide you with 690 calories and the following nutrients:

  • Fat
  • Carbohydrates
  • Dietary fibre
  • Protein
  • Natural sugars
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Iron

MCTs (medium-chain-triglycerides), such as lauric, caprylic, and capric acids, allow the fat contained in the Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes to be easily broken down in the liver. Because of this, it is a great source of quick energy. Which also makes them less prone to be stored as fat in the body, at the same time.

In addition, you can also find vitamins like C, E, riboflavin, and B6 in the coconut as well. More importantly, you don’t have to worry about cholesterol, trans fats or added sugar, as there are none in the coconut.

What are its benefits?

All the richness of the nutrients present in the Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes is believed to provide many benefits, such as:

  • Strengthening the immune system, while protecting it from viral and bacterial infections;
  • Reducing the risk of some cancers, like colon cancer and prostate cancer;
  • Containing important antioxidants that help protect cells from oxidative damage;
  • Strengthening gut bacteria, thus protecting against inflammation and conditions like metabolic syndrome;
  • Helping to absorb fat-soluble nutrients, including vitamins A, D, E, and K;
  • Helping to metabolise carbohydrates, proteins, and cholesterol;
  • Supporting thyroid function;
  • Helping lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • Strengthening arteries;
  • Helping to form red blood cells;
  • Promoting cardiovascular health;
  • Lowering the risk of seizures or convulsions;
  • Helping in the prevention of strokes;
  • Helping to reduce high blood pressure and the illnesses caused by it;
  • Slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease;
  • Promoting the production of neurotransmitters, including myelin;
  • Promoting brain function;
  • Helping to ease the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (or CJD, the human form of mad cow disease);
  • Preventing anaemia;
  • Providing quick energy boosts;
  • Preventing mineral deficiency and reducing the risk of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis;
  • Strengthening connective tissues, like skin, ligaments, bones and tendons;
  • Helping to improve insulin resistance with high fibre content;
  • Preventing digestive disorders, like constipation, duodenal ulcers and haemorrhoids;
  • Aiding bowel health;
  • Helping in weight loss by promoting feelings of fullness, calorie burning, and fat burning;
  • Helping in preventing overeating;
  • Helping in the production of collagen;
  • Reducing the risk of developing ‘visceral’ belly fat;
  • Helping to prevent infertility in men.

Enjoying Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes to their fullest.

The quality of all the products and the well-being of all our consumers and clients are paramount for Ranre Foods. Therefore, our production concentrates on bringing the purest products of the highest quality to the world. We start by using high-tech machinery to eliminate contamination and preserve the freshness of the products. And continue passionately to rigorous quality control at all stages of production to make sure you can enjoy the actual tastes and aromas of the products presented.

To maintain the freshness of the Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes, we recommend storing them at 260C away from direct sunlight. The low humidity will also tremendously help to preserve the original quality of taste and appearance of the product. Always use dry spoons and scoops when taking just a portion you need.

If you have to leave a part of the Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes for later use, we recommend you transfer it to an air-tight glass or porcelain container. Use the remainder within 5 to 6 days after the original date of opening, if not refrigerated. Otherwise, you can extend the use up to a few months.

Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes are safe for consumption for all ages and conditions. Just be mindful that being so nutritious coconut will also add some calories to your diet. So if you are on a diet which focuses on lean proteins, whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, make sure to add them to your recipes with care. Otherwise, Toasted Organic Coconut Flakes are a wonderful way to add nutrition when you are recovering from a long or hard illness, leading an active or physically demanding life or need to gain some weight.

A final word of advice. With the ecological situation round the world gradually worsening, many people experience various allergies never heard of before. Allergy to coconut and coconut-derived products is extremely rare, but if you have never tried coconut on your menu before, check your reaction to it first. But even if you will have any disagreeable reaction, it usually is limited only to the mild experience of an itchy mouth or the like. Serious reactions occur even less often.

To make sure no harm will come to your health and well-being, we like to stress that we never use any sweeteners or other additives in our product. Experience this amazing gift of nature to your full enjoyment without any worry!