Organic Coconut milk – 17% Fat (200ml)

Crafted from matured coconuts from Sri Lanka’s organic plantations. Ranre’s organic coconut milk features more healthier consumption with the addition of true freshness and a natural richer taste. Bring out the taste in your curries and milkshakes today!


Organic Coconut Milk – Condensed – 17% Fat

What is Organic Coconut Milk?

Ranre Foods uses fresh, matured coconuts from Sri Lankan organic plantations to make Organic Coconut Milk. As with all Sri Lankan fruitage, this choice provides the coconut milk with a true freshness and inherent naturally richer taste. In the first step, the coconut meat is cleaned and scraped and then mixed with RO (Reverse Osmosis) water to produce authentic coconut milk. The production is carried out under strict quality control, thus the resulting Organic Coconut Milk has a natural milky coconut taste and aroma and has a genuine pure white appearance.

Organic Coconut Milk is an easier way to add nutrition to your daily meals. This thick milk is ideal for any recipe where you need to substitute full-cream dairy milk or non-dairy concentrated milk. In general, it can be used for:

  • Various vegetables, meats and fish curries;
  • Cocktails and other beverages;
  • Batter for tofu or veggies;
  • Milkshakes;
  • Non-dairy ice cream;
  • Kefir;
  • Gluten-free and dairy-free recipes;
  • Baking;
  • A lighter creamer for coffee;
  • Desserts;
  • Sauces;
  • Creamy soups;
  • Porridges;
  • A base for oatmeal or any other cooked cereals;
  • Coconut milk rice or other milky grains for a side dish.

You can also use Organic Coconut Milk for your beauty routine on your face and body to nourish your skin or your hair to make it stronger and shinier.

It is a healthier and tastier variety for full cream dairy substitution if you are a vegan, vegetarian or have lactose intolerance. Or if you are a gourmet with a love for a variety of new, tasty, unusual and beneficial dishes and meals for your well-being. Either way, Organic Coconut Milk is something you should try yourself to experience in the ways it can transform your life and well-being.

Is there any nutritional value in the Organic Coconut Milk?

Organic Coconut Milk has no cholesterol or trans fats. The majority of its fat is made out of lauric, caprylic, and capric acids. They are MCTs (medium-chain-triglycerides), which are more easily broken down in the liver to give quick energy boosts. And they are less prone to be stored as fat in the body.

Apart from the above, it carries much-needed carbohydrates, natural sugars, dietary fibre, protein, potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, and a range of vitamins, providing you with 172 calories per serving size of 100 grams.

What are its benefits?

Coconut milk has many benefits to well-being, apart from enriching life with a wider variety of foods with unique tastes. The nutrients present in Organic Coconut Milk are believed to provide a wealth of benefits for well-being. Some benefits are already proven by medical studies, while others are attributed based on different cultural observations. Among these benefits are:

  • Maintaining a healthy gut flora;
  • Improving digestion;
  • Prolonging the feeling of satiety;
  • Lowering cholesterol levels;
  • Strengthening the liver;
  • Relieving the symptoms of constipation or irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Preventing anaemia;
  • Reducing the size of stomach ulcers;
  • Renewing cells that line the intestinal wall and reducing the risks of diarrhoea;
  • Aiding weight loss;
  • Having anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties;
  • Boosting energy;
  • Relaxing and reducing damage to muscles and tissues;
  • Helping to produce antioxidants in the body;
  • Boosting circulation;
  • Producing ketones that give a cognitive boost;
  • Preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • Keeping and protecting cardiovascular health;
  • Lowering the risk of heart attack and strokes;
  • Lowering triglyceride levels;
  • Preventing coronary heart diseases;
  • Increasing insulin sensitivity;
  • Helping to balance electrolytes;
  • Nourishing the brain and nervous system;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Moisturising dry skin;
  • Helping in treating sunburns;
  • Relieving eczema;
  • Helping dry and damaged hair;
  • Preventing premature greys and hair fall;
  • Reducing dandruff and alleviating an itchy scalp;
  • Helping to detangle hair;
  • Having natural conditioner properties;
  • Helping to remove make-up whilst nourishing the skin;
  • Keeping skin, hair and nails healthy;
  • Relieving arthritis, gout, or headaches;
  • Reducing wrinkle formation, preventing acne, and maintaining skin elasticity.

Organic Coconut Milk, when used in moderation, raises glucose levels slowly, although it has a high glycaemic index (GI). Therefore, it is quite safe to be used by diabetics. However, if you have sound health, you can enjoy Organic Coconut Milk to your full content.

Enjoying Organic Coconut Milk to its fullest.

Ranre Foods is dedicated to bringing you the cleanest and purest products possible. Therefore, no additional or dangerous preservatives are used to prolong the shelf life of the Organic Coconut Milk. We use sterilisation and maintain PH high to keep low acidity in the product. Thus, making sure no harm will come to you when consuming our products.

But all-natural products inherently have a shorter shelf life. Hence, we recommend using the whole amount of the Organic Coconut Milk as soon as possible after opening it. However, if any storing is required, or you wish to use the remainder the next time, consider transferring the contents into a glass jar. Do not forget to cover it tightly and refrigerate it. Best if you can use it within the next two days to keep all the nutrients and benefits.

If you need to store it for longer periods, we recommend dividing the remainder into the required portion sizes and freezing it. It will alter the texture and the taste a little, because of the separation of the solids and the liquids when thawing. So, do not forget to shake or stir it well, or even better, blend it for about 30 seconds after de-freezing and before using it to get closest to the original homogeneous consistency.

Following these steps, you may extend the use of your Organic Coconut Milk for up to a month, but only with one time freezing and de-frosting of the portion regardless of its size.

To de-frost, transfer the required amount into the fridge overnight. The process may take something between 8 and 14 hours. This will allow the Organic Coconut Milk to de-freeze slowly, reducing the alterations to the product. Make certain not to keep this de-frosted coconut milk in for more than two days in the fridge afterwards.