Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice
What is Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice?
Finding fresh fruits all year round can sometimes be difficult based on the place you reside in. But consuming fruits on a regular basis is vital for your well-being. Ranre Foods has taken up the task of providing you with a fruit cocktail made of four important tropical fruits, like pineapple, mango, watermelon and papaya, to help you uphold your well-being.
Grown in organic plantations in Sri Lanka these fruits chord well together in taste, as well as in their nutritional elements. The fruits are harvested and immediately transported to the factory to be produced as fresh as possible, thus keeping the maximum of their nutritional elements. They are cleaned, peeled and cut and covered in pineapple juice with a pinch of salt. Hence, you get a natural syrup that doubles as a preservative for the fruits without any harmful elements.
Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice can be enjoyed directly as a quick fruity snack or a fruit salad for your dessert, with or without adding other fresh fruits.
Do you have pancakes or waffles for breakfast? Then you probably enjoy them more by topping them with Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice. This combination helps you to have a light, yet nutritional breakfast that will power you up for an active and bright day.
Perhaps your morning choice of food includes porridge or cereals. Top those with the fruits and enjoy tropical sunny notes in your breakfast no matter which grains you use or prefer.
You can enhance the flavour of your plain yoghurt and make it naturally healthier by adding Fruit Cocktail with or without its juice to it. Make it smoother by cutting the pieces into smaller sizes or just blend them to get an even silky texture and taste. You will get all the goodness from this combination regardless of whether your choice of yoghurt is made of dairy or is a plant-based one.
Similarly, you can top these fruits with the ice cream of your choice and enjoy succulent fruit salad with ice cream to festively cool down during a hot summer day.
If you enjoy baking, then Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice will be wonderful and add rich notes to your cakes, cupcakes, muffins and fruit pies. You can also make surprise fruit muffins by hiding different fruits in each. If you have time for such a task, it will give your kids or friends extra game opportunities during the birthday parties to pair up for team games or guessing the type of hidden fruit. Another wonderful treat for kids would be to add these fruits to gelatine for a dancing fruity dessert.
Pizza lovers can have a festive tropical fruit pizza with a Fruit Cocktail. Just arrange the fruits on the pizza crust and top with shredded mozzarella cheese.
Fruit Cocktail will also be wonderful in fruit salsa. But you will have to add a little extra work by chopping the fruits into a smaller size.
Your morning smoothies can also benefit from this fruity cocktail. What is more, you can just add the Pineapple Juice as well.
They can also be used to make a sweet sauce for ham or other smoked or grilled meats.
There are many other recipe ideas to enjoy your Fruit Cocktail, including desserts and drinks. Try them all out to find your favourite ones or let your creativity suggest new recipes you can add to your signature ones.
Is there any nutritional value in Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice?
Four fruits contained in the Fruit Cocktail provide only 80 calories in the serving size of 125 grams. At the same time, they provide some vital nutrients that are vital for the proper functioning of your body. Among these are:
- Carbohydrates
- Natural sugars
- Dietary fibre
- Protein
- Potassium
- Sodium
- Calcium
- Iron
- Manganese
- Copper
- Magnesium
- Phosphorous
- Zinc
It also contains vitamins like A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, folate, C, K, and several antioxidants.
What are its benefits?
The rich nutrient content of the fruits is believed to provide Fruit Cocktail with a wealth of benefits, such as:
- Supporting the immune system;
- Supporting eye health and reducing the risk of macular degeneration;
- Suppressing inflammation;
- Fighting against free radicals and slowing cell damage;
- Preventing and killing some types of cancer;
- Promoting blood circulation and reducing blood pressure;
- Reducing the risk of heart disease;
- Promoting healing after injury or strenuous exercise;
- Preventing asthma;
- Maintaining healthy vision;
- Improving concentration, learning and boosting memory;
- Supporting the cardiovascular system;
- Improving digestion and promoting a healthy digestive system;
- Moisturising and supporting hair health;
- Improving skin health;
- Lowering the risk of diabetes;
- Supporting general wellness;
- Strengthening bones and connecting tissues;
- Reducing joint pain and relieving achy muscles;
- Assisting in muscle movement;
- Reducing allergy swellings;
- Regulating the mood;
- Maintaining the structure of cell membranes;
- Maintaining the transmission of nerve impulses;
- Assisting with sleep;
- Alkalising the body;
- Soothing inflammatory bowel diseases;
- Helping to digest protein-rich foods;
- Improving skin condition and reducing acne;
- Helping in controlling blood sugar levels;
- Helping with iron, calcium and fat absorption;
- Helping the body break down consumed protein;
- Assisting weight loss by keeping the feeling of fullness for longer.
Enjoying Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice to its fullest
Since Ranre Foods does not add any extra sweetener to the Fruit Cocktail, you may add sugar or better honey if you crave for sweeter fruit salad or a snack. Just be mindful that additional sweeteners will alter the natural taste of the fruits and may not be very healthy for you.
If you will have any extra Fruit Cocktail left after use that day, do not forget to refrigerate the remainder. Take care to transfer the contents into a glass or a porcelain container and cover it with an airtight lid. Make sure to consume them within a week to get maximum benefits.
One other important thing is to use a clean spoon to get the fruits, and the required amount of Pineapple Juice out, especially if you don’t intend to use up the whole amount at once.
If you are diabetic or are in the pre-diabetes range, then you should pay attention to your sweet fruit intake. Usually, two servings of Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice will be safe and will provide you with important nutrients without bringing any harm. Still, we would advise you to talk to your health consultant first.
Although very rare, sometimes you may have an allergy to one or several fruits in the Fruit Cocktail. In this case, you should avoid or consume smaller portions distanced in time, depending on its severity. If you are not sure of your reaction to these fruits, better talk to your health advisor and get yourself checked for the presence of any allergy to these fruits in advance.
If you have a latex allergy, then ripe papaya may give you an unpleasant odour. Do not be discouraged by this, as it is just a manifestation of your allergy and not any problem with the product. Just add lime juice to the Fruit Cocktail, and your reaction will be minimised.
Ranre Foods wishes you a pleasant and succulent enjoyment of the Fruit Cocktail in Pineapple Juice filled with all of its wonderful gifts to your well-being.